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Portugal News in English & French
Le Portugal est devenu l’un des principaux centres de talents technologiques en Europe
Le Portugal est devenu l’un des principaux centres de talents technologiques en Europe - Paula Francisca Fernandes, Accenture Portugal.
Portugal tem emergido como um dos principais centros de talento tecnológico na Europa
Portugal tem emergido como um dos principais centros de talento tecnológico na Europa - Paula Francisca Fernandes, Accenture Portugal:
Portugal has emerged as one of the main centers of tech talent in Europe
Portugal Business News - Portugal has emerged as one of the main centers of tech talent in Europe, according to Paula Francisca Fernandes:
A Escolha Ideal para GBS e Tech Hubs em Portugal
A Escolha Ideal para GBS e Tech Hubs em Portugal - Managing Director Technology Lead Accenture Portugal, Paula Francisca Fernandes.
Choisir les villes idéales pour des Centres GBS et Technologiques au Portugal
Choisir les villes idéales pour des Centres GBS et Technologiques au Portugal - Par la Directrice générale - technologie - de Accenture.
Choosing the Ideal Cities for GBS and Tech Hubs in Portugal
Choosing the Ideal Cities for GBS & Tech Hubs in Portugal - By the Managing Director Technology Lead at Accenture Portugal, Paula Francisca
Une Portugaise parmi les lauréates du Prix Microsoft Power Women
Actualités Portugal – Une Portugaise se classe dans la liste des 19 lauréates des Microsoft Power Women Awards.
Portuguese woman among winners of Microsoft Power Women Awards
Portugal news – A Portuguese woman ranks in the list of 19 winners of the Microsoft Power Women Awards.
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