Portugal investment news – 7 of Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies are Portuguese according to the Financial Times FT 1000 list for 2024.

Here are the Portuguese companies among Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies:
1 – Sweetcare
Sweetcare is the fastest growing Portuguese company in Europe in 2024. The company, that operates in the field of e-commerce, is ranked no. 490 in the FT 1000 list in 2024, that is down from its 2023 ranking that was at no. 305.
Portuguese company Sweetcare registered a revenue of 14,956,000 euros in 2022, that is an absolute growth rate of 338.2 %. Sweetcare was founded in 2006 and had 24 employees in 2022.
2 – LGG Advisors
LGG Advisors is the second fastest growing Portuguese company in Europe in 2024. The company, that operates in the field of Professional, Scientific and Technological Services, is ranked no. 581 in the FT 1000 list in 2024, and it is the first time the company is included in the list.
Portuguese company LGG Advisors registered a revenue of 1,604,369,810 euros in 2022, that is an absolute growth rate of 281.20 %. LGG Advisors was founded in 2008 and had 23 employees in 2022.
3 – Plásticos Dão
Plásticos Dão is the third fastest growing Portuguese company in Europe in 2024. The company, that operates in the field of Manufacturing, is ranked no. 652 in the FT 1000 list in 2024, that is down from its 2023 ranking that was at no. 295.
Portuguese company Plásticos Dão registered a revenue of 4,654,023 euros in 2022, that is an absolute growth rate of 245.10 %. Plásticos Dão was founded in 2012 and had 29 employees in 2022.
4 – Meivcore
Meivcore is the fourth fastest growing Portuguese company in Europe in 2024. The company, that operates in the field of Professional, Scientific and Technological Services, is ranked no. 686 in the FT 1000 list in 2024.
Portuguese company Meivcore registered a revenue of 2,762,871 euros in 2022, that is an absolute growth rate of 237.60 %. Meivcore was founded in 2013 and had 245 employees in 2022.
5 – Imaginary Cloud
Imaginary Cloud is the fifth fastest growing Portuguese company in Europe in 2024. The company, that operates in the field of IT and Software, is ranked no. 727 in the FT 1000 list in 2024.
Portuguese company Imaginary Cloud registered a revenue of 4,677,157 euros in 2022, that is an absolute growth rate of 223.20 %. Imaginary Cloud was founded in 2000 and had 85 employees in 2022.
6 – Revesperfil
Revesperfil is the sixth fastest growing Portuguese company in Europe in 2024. The company, that operates in the field of Manufacturing, is ranked no. 836 in the FT 1000 list in 2024.
Portuguese company Revesperfil registered a revenue of 8,849,869 euros in 2022, that is an absolute growth rate of 190.60 %. Revesperfil was founded in 2006 and had 29 employees in 2022.
7 – Care to Beauty
Care to Beauty is the seventh fastest growing Portuguese company in Europe in 2024. The company, that operates in the field of Retail, is ranked no. 951 in the FT 1000 list in 2024.
Portuguese company Care to Beauty registered a revenue of 17,556,712 euros in 2022, that is an absolute growth rate of 165.80 %. Care to Beauty was founded in 2015 and had 47 employees in 2022.
The FT 1000 list of Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies, that was compiled with German research company Statista, ranks Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies that are listed in order of highest compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in revenue over the period 2019 to 2022. In 2024, a minimum average growth rate of 36.3 per cent was required for inclusion.
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