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Average property values in Portugal more than double within a decade

Ranking of average property values per square meter per region in Portugal in 2024:

Average property values in Portugal more than double within a decade - portugal news
Average property values in Portugal more than double within a decade - Portugal Business News

Portugal news – Average property values in Portugal more than double within a decade going from 763 euros/m2 in July 2014 to 1,618 euros/m2 in July 2024, according to data from Portugal’s statistics office INE.


Average property values in Portugal have been steadily increasing during the last decade, without wavering despite the global lockdown.


Average property values in Portugal more than double within a decade - portugal news
Average property values in Portugal more than double within a decade - Portugal Business News


In August 2024, average home values in Portugal have reached a historic high of 1,638 euros per square meter, according to home valuations applied by banks when granting loans for property purchases.


This means that the average value of a property of 100 square meters in Portugal is valued by banks at 163,800 euros in August 2024, with variations per region and per property type.


The average value of real estate in Portugal by property type in 2024 reaches 1,818 euros/m2 for apartments while it reaches 1,281 euros/m2 for houses, as per bank valuations.



Here is the ranking of average property values per square meter per region in Portugal in 2024:

1 – Greater Lisbon

While average property values per square meter in Greater Lisbon have registered the third highest increase in 2024, Lisbon is the region where properties have the highest average value, reaching 2,411 euros/m2, as per bank valuations.



2 - Algarve

While average property values per square meter in the Algarve have registered the second highest increase in 2024, the Algarve is the region where properties also have the second highest average value, reaching 2,217 euros/m2, as per bank valuations.


3 - Madeira

While average property values per square meter in Madeira have registered the highest increase in Portugal in 2024, Madeira is the region where properties have the third highest average value, reaching 1,928 euros/m2, as per bank valuations.



4 – Northern Portugal

Average property values per square meter in northern Portugal have registered the fourth highest increase in 2024 to reach 1,403 euros/m2 as per bank valuations.







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