Portugal investment news - FDI stocks in Portugal reach 180,411 million euros in 2023, that is an increase of 6.24% compared to 2022, according to Portugal’s Central Bank. Here are Portugal’s main sources of Foreign Direct Investment by region as well as the Portuguese regions that receive the most FDI flows:
What are Portugal’s main sources of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by region?
1 – Europe
Europe is the main source of FDI to Portugal, accounting for 156,284 million euros that represents 86.6% of the total foreign direct investment.
The Euro area accounted for 73.9% of the stock of foreign direct investment to Portugal, while the European Union accounted for 76.3% in 2023.
2 – Asia
Asia is the second main source of FDI to Portugal, accounting for 11,098 million euros that represents 6.2% of the total foreign direct investment.
Asia was the continent with the 2nd highest year-on-year growth with 12.1% in 2023.
3 - America
America is the third main source of FDI to Portugal, accounting for 9,365 million euros that represents 5.2% of the total foreign direct investment.
4 – Africa
Africa is the fourth main source of FDI to Portugal, accounting for 3,468 million euros that represents 1.9% of the total foreign direct investment.
Africa was the continent with the highest year-on-year growth of 21.9% in 2023.
5 – Oceania
Oceania is the fifth main source of FDI to Portugal, accounting for 91 million euros that represents 0.1% of the total foreign direct investment.
Oceania was the only region with a decrease in FDI to Portugal in 2023, falling by 15.4% in 2023.
Here are the Portuguese regions that receive the most Foreign Direct Investment (FDI):
1 – Lisbon
Lisbon is the region that received the lion share of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) with 55.2% of the total, that is an investment stock of 99,614 million euros.
2 – Northern Portugal
Northern Portugal is the second region that received the most Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) with 16.5% of the total, that is an investment stock of 29,848 million euros.
3 – The Algarve
The Algarve in southern Portugal is the third region that received the most Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) with 9.9% of the total, that is an investment stock of 17,807 million euros.
4 – Central Portugal
Central Portugal is the fourth region that received the most Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) with 6.2% of the total, that is an investment stock of 11,259 million euros.
5 – Madeira Island
Madeira Island is the fifth region that received the most Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) with 4.8% of the total, that is an investment stock of 8,645 million euros.
6 – Alentejo
The Alentejo is the sixth region that received the most Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) with 3.4% of the total, that is an investment stock of 6,174 million euros.
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