Portugal News - How big is the e-commerce market in Portugal and Spain & what products sell best online?
1 - How big is the e-commerce market in Portugal and Spain?
The e-commerce market in Portugal and Spain is valued at around 112 billion euros in 2024, including online sales of both goods and services on the Iberian Peninsula.
While the Spanish e-commerce market is around 8 times the size of the Portuguese market, there is great growth potential for the coming years. The annual growth of e-commerce sales is estimated to be 9% in Portugal and 11% Spain, according to the CTT e-Commerce Report 2024.
However, the greatest growth in the e-commerce market is linked to the value of online sales, with the value of product sales estimated to grow by 14.6% in Portugal and 10.3% in Spain in 2024. The value of online sales of services is also showing an upward trend and is expected to reach 4.7% in Portugal and 12.1% in Spain.
2 - What products sell best online in Portugal and Spain?
The products that sell best online in Portugal and Spain are:
· Clothing and footwear – both in Portugal & Spain
· Electronics and computer equipment – both in Portugal & Spain
· Food products from supermarket stores online – In Spain
· Books & films – In Spain
· Household utensils – In Portugal
For tech products searched online in Portugal, there is a trend to finalize the order in physical stores.
For fashion and tech products bought online in Spain, the trend is for second-hand products.
3 - What are the main reasons people shop online in Portugal & Spain?
The main reasons why people shop online in Portugal and Spain are:
· Ease of purchase - both in Portugal & Spain
· Price factors – in Portugal
· Promotions – in Portugal
4 - What are the reasons people abandon shopping carts in Portugal & Spain?
The main reason why people abandon shopping carts during checkout in Portugal and Spain is due to the difference between the final price and the expected price.
5 – What is the age group of online buyers in Portugal & Spain?
The age group of online buyers in Portugal and Spain is between 25 and 54 years old.
6 – What is the geographical location of online buyers in Portugal & Spain?
The geographical location of online buyers in Portugal is mainly Lisbon and Porto, while in Spain online buyers are mainly from Madrid and Catalonia.
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