Portugal minimum wage news – The minimum wage in Spain is nearly 40% higher than in Portugal in 2024.
The minimum wage in Spain in 2024 is 1,134 euros gross, paid 14 times a year. Meanwhile, the minimum wage in Portugal is 820 euros paid 14 times a year since January 2024.
Spain has increased the minimum wage by 5% effective from January 1, 2024. The wage increase is higher than inflation in Spain that is 3.5%. It is to be noted that the minimum wage in Spain already increased by 8% in January 2023. Since 2018, the minimum wage in Spain increased by 54%.
There is a minimum wage in 21 EU countries and values ranged between 2,508.24 euros paid 12 times a year in Luxembourg and 398.81 euros in Bulgaria in 2023.
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