About Portugal Business News - Articles are referenced on flagship industry websites and research companies including Foreign Policy

About Portugal Business News - Articles by Portugal Business News are referenced on flagship industry websites including Foreign Policy magazine, on the Government of Portugal's investment portal AICEP Portugal Global, on the websites of leading research companies such as Crunchbase and Startup Genome, on Wikipedia, and on multilingual news aggregators.
Portugal Business News is referenced in Foreign Policy magazine in article “Is Portugal’s Golden Visa Scheme Worth It?” published on November 25, 2023.
Foreign Policy magazine is published in Washington DC by Andrew Sollinger as CEO and is owned by Graham Holdings company that is the former owner of The Washington Post and Newsweek. Graham Holdings company is listed on the NYSE: GHC and on the S&P 400 Component.
The Foreign Policy article “Is Portugal’s Golden Visa Scheme Worth It?” references an article by Portugal Business news in the segment about the largest shareholder of Portuguese company REN: “While Chinese investment in Portugal doesn’t necessarily relate to Portugal’s golden visa program, China’s influence within the country is far-reaching. Among other ventures, State Grid Corporation of China is the largest shareholder of REN, Portugal’s national power grid operator.”
Click to see the Foreign Policy article: https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/11/25/portugal-golden-visa-investment-european-union-immigration/
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