Portugal Business News is referenced in the European Commission GovTech Connect report “European GovTech Market Scanning” by the GovTech Connect Consortium (Pilot Project of the European Commission DG CNECT).
Click to see the Portugal Business News article referenced in the European Commission report on GovTech at page 21 on Portugal under the sub-heading “e. Portugal” on SIZING THE MARKET – THE STATE OF THE GOVTECH SECTOR IN SOUTHERN EUROPE: “These are making Portugal an attractive hub for both entrepreneurs and investors, with Lisbon increasingly taking the role of GovTech hub in the country. In early 2023, through GovTech Justicia the Portuguese government announced that it would invest €26 million.20 In AI tech to transform the Justice Department from the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR).” – 20 - Portugal Business News
About the GovTech Connect Consortium (Pilot Project of the European Commission DG CNECT) – The “European GovTech Market Scanning” study is a formal draft of a Market Scanning exercise prepared by the European Commission, which presents an overall assessment of the maturity of the GovTech market in Europe, including a comprehensive view of startups with government applications in priority sectors (Environment, Wellbeing, Transparency, and Inclusion); national and regional programmes supporting their development; and the estimated size of the GovTech market in the four macro European regions.
About Portugal Business News - Articles by Portugal Business News are published or referenced on flagship industry websites, on Government trade and investment websites, in market reports prepared by the European Commission, on the websites of leading research companies such as Crunchbase, Dealroom and Startup Genome, on Wikipedia, in specialized magazines and on multilingual news aggregators.