About Portugal Business News - Articles are referenced on flagship industry websites and research companies including VentureBeat

About Portugal Business News - Articles by Portugal Business News are referenced on flagship industry websites, on the Government of Portugal's investment portal AICEP Portugal Global, on the websites of leading research companies such as Crunchbase and Startup Genome, on Wikipedia, and on multilingual news aggregators.
Portugal Business News is referenced in VentureBeat in article “Lisbon opens The Gaming Hub to foster game startups” published on December 19, 2023.
VentureBeat is a leading provider of Gaming Industry, AI and machine learning news, and the site has 6 million monthly unique viewers.
The VentureBeat article references an article by Portugal Business news in the segment about the Lisbon Gaming hub being more competitive internationally: “The hub is part of a new phase in the strategy of creating innovation centers dedicated to high-growth industries to help the city be more competitive internationally.”
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