About Portugal Business News - Articles are referenced on flagship industry websites, research companies and news aggregators, including MSN and Fine-Tuned Finances.

About Portugal Business News - Articles by Portugal Business News are referenced on flagship industry websites, on the Government of Portugal's investment portal AICEP Portugal Global, on the websites of leading research companies such as Crunchbase and Startup Genome, on Wikipedia, and on multilingual news aggregators.
Portugal Business News is referenced on MSN and Fine-Tuned Finances in article “19 Countries To Move to That Are So Cheap You Could Quit Your Job” published on February 8th, 2024.
Fine-Tuned Finances is part of the District Media Finance group that is a US publishing company that disseminates financial information. In 2019, District Media Finance registered a gross revenue surpassing the million-dollar mark, a testament to its unwavering commitment to reshaping financial narratives. The company disseminates its insights across over 27 platforms, reaching a staggering audience of 4,500,000 individuals each year.
The article by Fine-Tuned Finances references a Portugal Business News article about what is attracting so many Americans to Portugal and where are they buying property. The article by Fine Tune Finances says: “Recent reports from Portugal Businesses News reveal a surge in North American interest, with 15% of property sales in the Lisbon region attributed to American buyers, reflecting a growing preference for competitive real estate prices in Portugal’s capital.”
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