Moving to Portugal news - Portugal is the most relaxed country in the world out of the 38 OECD countries, 22 of which are EU member states.
Expats moving to another country are usually stressed due to external reasons, but these are the most stress-free countries for people who would like to move abroad, according to a study by international health insurance company William Russell.
Here are the Top 3 most stress-free countries:
No 1 – Portugal

Portugal is the most relaxed country out of 38 OECD countries worldwide. This is due mainly to lower living costs.
No 2 – Sweden

Sweden ranks second most relaxed country out of 38 OECD countries worldwide. This is due mainly to the fact that Sweden is among the best 5 countries with lower air pollution. Research has linked air pollution and stress for years, with higher levels contributing to negative physical and mental health, including an increased risk of depression.
No 3 – Estonia

Estonia ranks third most relaxed country out of 38 OECD countries worldwide. This is due mainly to the fact that Estonia ranks second for cleanest air and has one of the highest cleanliness ratings.
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