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Portugal’s amazing Lusitanian horse fair

Portugal’s amazing Lusitanian horse fair - portugal news
Portugal’s amazing Lusitanian horse fair - Portugal Business News

Portugal News – Portugal’s amazing Lusitanian horse fair, that takes places every year on November 1 – 11th, is a must-see event for families.


Portugal’s national horse fair is a yearly event that takes place in Golegã, that is a one-hour drive north of Lisbon. This renowned equestrian event includes horse riders in historic costumes, spectacles and music for adults and children alike. The show is held free of charge and includes rallies, raids, equestrian games, championships, carriage marathons and exhibitions.


The official ceremony, that is on November 8th at noon is followed by typical Portuguese dances and music. At 15:00hrs, there is a carriage-driving competition and at 19:00hrs, spectators can discover bullfight riders.


The Portuguese Lusitano horse breed was named after the word Lusitania, that is the ancient Roman name for the region that modern Portugal occupies. The Lusitano, also known as the Pure Blood Lusitano, was present on the Iberian Peninsula as early as 20,000 BC, and by 800 BC the region was renowned for its war horses.


The Portuguese Lusitano Horse Breed often has a grey or bay coat and is middleweight of medium size with females reaching 1,55m and males reaching 1,60m.


Portugal’s International Lusitano Horse Fair, that blends into the Saint Martin’s Fair, is an international festival that is much sought after by professional photographers and horsemen, by horse lovers and by families alike.


Here is the list of Festivals in Portugal including Madeira & the Azores.


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