About Portugal Business News – The European Commission initiative Quantum Flagship references a Portugal Business News article on quantum technologies.
In an article entitled “Quantum science reveals Lisbon’s history at EQTC 2024”, Quantum Flagship references a Portugal Business News article in the following paragraph: “A city with over 3,000 years of continuous urban history, Lisbon was selected as the perfect testing ground for quantum gravimetry. Researchers from the Portuguese Quantum Institute, the Lisbon City Council Archaeology Centre (CAL), and French company Exail conducted a three-day exploration of the Baixa Pombalina district.”
Click to see the Quantum Flagship article that references Portugal Business News report: Quantum science reveals Lisbon’s history at EQTC 2024
Click to see the Source article on Portugal Business News: The world’s first quantum gravimetry test carried out in Lisbon
About the Quantum Flagship website – Quantum Flagship is one of the most ambitious long-term research and innovation initiatives of the European Commission. The Quantum Flagship is a large-scale initiative funded at the 1b € level on a 10-year timescale. It consists in a coherent set of research and innovation projects selected through a thorough peer-review process. The goal is to consolidate and expand European scientific leadership and excellence in this research area, to kick-start a competitive European industry in Quantum Technologies and to make Europe a dynamic and attractive region for innovative research, business and investments in this field. You can also read more about the European Commission’s overarching quantum strategy here.
About Portugal Business News - Articles by Portugal Business News are published or referenced on flagship industry websites, on Government trade and investment websites, on the websites and reports of leading research companies and organizations including the European Commission, Crunchbase, Dealroom and Startup Genome, on Wikipedia, in specialized magazines and on multilingual news aggregators.
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