Portugal royalty news - This is why Princess Eugenie chose to live in Portugal:
Princess Eugenie has revealed that the secret reason why she chose to live in Portugal is that she no longer has to worry about her appearance:
"That's why living in Portugal is a dream, because I can go to the supermarket in training clothes and a hair clip without caring!"
While living in the UK, Princess Eugenie was under the constant pressure of keeping up appearances as a public figure and this took a toll on her happiness. However, when Princess Eugenie came to Portugal with her husband Jack Brooksbank and their two sons, August and Ernest, she was finally able to relax away from the paparazzi and the constant pressure to look like a royal all the time. While her husband works for the Costa Terra Golf & Ocean Club, Princess Eugenie is living her dream of a normal life in Portugal’s beautiful and pristine Alentejo.

While Costa Terra Golf & Ocean Club is just an hour south of Lisbon, it is still a well-kept secret away from the usual tourist crowds. The luxury resort overlooks large stretches of white beaches and is nestled between the villages of Comporta and Melides. Melides is the idyllic Portuguese village where Christian Louboutin has also chosen to live his dream and to invest in two boutique hotels.
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