Why is Portugal chosen as an EU Tech Hub by major global companies?

Portugal investment & travel news – With TUI Group choosing Portugal as its Digital Hub, why is Portugal chosen as an EU Tech Hub by major global companies?
TUI Group, that is a German Travel and Tourism company based in Hanover, has chosen Portugal as its new Digital Hub. TUI Group owns five European airlines, travel agencies, hotel chains, and cruise lines. TUI AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and on the London Stock Exchange.
Why is Portugal chosen as an EU Tech Hub by major global companies?
Portugal, that is selected as a Tech Hub by a number of global companies, is now set to become the digital hub of the TUI Group. The choice of Portugal as a tech hub will allow the TUI Group to achieve its goal of strengthening TUI´s tech capabilities, since these are key to its transformation towards becoming a global digital travel and leisure platform company.
Digital Hub Porto is the new tech strategy of global Travel company TUI Group and Portugal has been selected for its tech talent. The new Portugal hub of the TUI Group will be part of a network of strategic hubs, based in Poland and India, that employ more than 2,400 tech experts.
According to TUI Group, Portugal is a popular travel destination for all Travel and Tourism segments, including hotels, flights, cruises, tours, and activities. Porto is the best choice for a Digital Hub with the availability of tech talent that will be able to deliver new digital products and services.
"Portugal is proving that it is not only a beautiful travel destination, but also a digital innovation center where we can help build the future of tourism,” says TUI Group´s CEO Sebastian Ebel during the opening of its new Digital Hub Porto.
What is the outlook for the Tourism sector in Portugal?
Global Travel company TUI Group has just selected Portugal as its new Digital Hub as part as its Future of Tourism strategy that aims at developing its digital strategy, namely the TUI mobile app, the payments system and AI development that will be supported by tech teams in Portugal.
The outlook for Portugal’s tourism sector is the availability of tech talent for the development of digital capabilities.
The TUI Group has chosen to operate its new digital hub in Porto and will start operations with 150 tech experts, with the goal of recruiting 50 additional tech experts in the short term.
The TUI Group's new investment in a Digital Hub in Porto is made possible due to the support of AICEP Portugal Global, Portugal’s investment body.
The TUI Group already has three of its hotel and club brands in Portugal, namely TUI Blue, RIU, and Robinson Club. The TUI airline operates regular flights to holiday hotspots in Portugal, while TUI Cruises, Marella and Hapag-Lloyd, the company’s cruise brands, call at Portuguese ports throughout the year.
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