Portugal news - What are the most powerful passports in Europe in 2023 based on the number of destinations their holders can access without a visa?
Here are the Top 10 most effective passports in 2023 according to the Henley Passport Index:
1 – Germany, Italy, Spain – Passports from these countries are equally valuable with a visa-free score of 190 countries
2 – Austria, Finland, France, Luxembourg, Sweden - with a visa-free score of 189 countries
3 – Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, UK - with a visa-free score of 188 countries
4 – Belgium, Czech Republic, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland - with a visa-free score of 187 countries
5 – Hungary, Poland - with a visa-free score of 186 countries
6 – Greece - with a visa-free score of 185 countries
7 – Lithuania - with a visa-free score of 184 countries
8 – Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia - with a visa-free score of 183 countries
9 – Estonia - with a visa-free score of 182 countries
10 – Liechtenstein – with a visa-free score of 180 countries
The Portuguese passport ranks 4th among European countries and 5th worldwide in 2023 according to the Henley Passport Index. The No. 1 most effective passport worldwide in 2023 is Singapore with a visa-free score of 192 countries.
Portugal’s passport ranking is rising every year since it ranked 6th worldwide in 2022 and 7th worldwide in 2020. US citizens can enter Portugal for up to 90 days for tourism or business without a visa since both Portugal and the US allow dual citizenship.
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