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What e-commerce products sell the most online in Europe?

What e-commerce products sell the most online in Europe? - europe business news
What e-commerce products sell the most online in Europe? - Portugal Business News

Europe business news – What e-commerce products sell the most online in Europe?

77% of internet users in Europe bought goods or services online in 2024, increasing by 59% between 2014 and 2024, marking a 17 percentage point (pp) rise, according to Eurostat.

The European countries that buy the most online are Ireland (96%), the Netherlands (94%) and Denmark (91%).

The European countries that buy the least online are Bulgaria (57%), Italy (60%) and Romania (60%).

However, from 2014 to 2024, significant growth in online sales was observed in Romania (+43 pp, from 17% to 60%), Hungary (+37 pp, 42% to 79%), and Lithuania (+36 pp, 36% to 72%).

What e-commerce products sell the most online in Europe?

Here is the chart showing the ranking of e-commerce products that sell the most in Europe according to figures for the last three months of 2024, showing the online products that are trending in 2025:

What e-commerce products sell the most online in Europe? - europe news
What e-commerce products sell the most online in Europe? - Portugal Business News

In Europe, e-commerce figures show that the most frequently purchased goods online in 2024 were:

1) clothing (including sportswear), shoes and accessories, with 45% of people making these purchases in the previous 3 months.

2) Food deliveries from restaurants, fast-food chains and catering services (21%),

3) Cosmetics and wellness products (20%),

4) Furniture and home accessories or gardening items (19%).

5) Sports equipment (excluding sportswear), printed books, magazines, newspapers, and health supplements like vitamins (excluding online prescription renewals), each with a 16% share.

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