Portugal tourism news - What is the Future of Tourism in Portugal? This is Portugal’s new 2024 sustainable tourism marketing campaign:
“Don’t be a tourist, be a futurist” is the motto for Portugal’s new tourism campaign.
Portugal’s new digital marketing campaign promotes sustainable tourism with an inspiring video calling for tourists to become future tourists, or futourists.
Portugal’s tourism campaign now includes TikTok as well and is aimed at the country’s main tourism markets that are Germany, Spain, the US, France, and the UK.
Portugal’s new tourism campaign starts the new year in 2024 with a clear call for the future of tourism. The advertising campaign by Dentsu Creative Portugal invites the world to “Visit Portugal. It's not tourism. It's futourism.” Visitors to Portugal are invited to join this evolution and transform the way they explore the world, with more awareness, sustainability, humanity and connection to the planet.
The future of tourism in Portugal is sustainability, and ecotourism is the new trend, since tourists are invited to discover the authentic Portugal.
Portugal’s tourism sector had a record year in 2023 with more than 73 million overnight stays, but these are not just figures, they are people who are invited to discover the Portuguese people and culture, and to take an active part in protecting the country for future generations of tourists.
Here is Portugal’s new 2024 sustainable tourism marketing campaign:
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