Portugal news - What is the minimum wage in Portugal in 2024? Portugal’s Government has just announced what will be the minimum wage in Portugal in 2024.
What is the minimum wage in Portugal in 2024?
The minimum wage per month in Portugal in 2024 is 820 Euros, but it is paid over 14 months. The minimum wage per month in Portugal in 2024 is therefore 956,66 Euros if it is paid over 12 months.
The minimum wage per year in Portugal in 2024 is 11,480 Euros, that is 820 Euros per month over 14 months, or 956,66 Euros per month if it is paid over 12 months.
What is the minimum wage in Portugal in 2023?
The minimum wage per month in Portugal in 2023 is 760 Euros, but it is paid over 14 months. The minimum wage per month in Portugal in 2023 is therefore 886,66 Euros if it is paid over 12 months.
The minimum wage per year in Portugal in 2023 is 10,640 Euros, that is 760 Euros per month over 14 months, or 886,66 Euros per month if it is paid over 12 months.
What is the minimum wage difference in Portugal between 2023 and 2024?
The minimum wage difference in Portugal between 2023 and 2024 is therefore 70 Euros per month if it is paid over 12 months, that is 840 Euros per year.
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