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What is the percentage of people working in Tech in the EU?

What is the percentage of people working in Tech in the EU? - portugal news
What is the percentage of people working in Tech in the EU? - Portugal Business News

Portugal news – What is the percentage of people working in Tech for each country in the EU?


While digital transformation is one of the key priorities for the EU, the average number of IT specialists employed in the tech sector represents only 4.8% of total people employed in the EU in 2023, that is almost 10 million people. According to the EU digital targets, at least 20 million ICT specialists should be employed in the EU by 2030, with a balanced participation between men and women. However, this target is far from being achieved since the number of male IT specialists employed in the tech sector in the EU largely outnumber their female counterparts, with 81% being men compared with only 19% being women in 2023.


Among the EU countries, the percentage of people working in the Tech sector is highest in Sweden with 9%, as well as in Luxembourg and Finland, both with 8%. The EU average for the percentage of people working in the IT sector is 4.8% of total employment, while the percentage of people working in the tech sector in Portugal is 4.5% in 2023, according to the European Commission report “Digitalisation in Europe – 2024 edition.”



Here is the chart showing the number of people working in the Tech sector as a percentage of total employment for each country in the EU in 2023:

Percentage of people working in Tech for each country in the EU - Portugal news
Percentage of people working in Tech for each country in the EU - Portugal Business News


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