Portugal news - Which European country has the lowest number of working hours in 2024? Here is the complete list ranking European countries by working hours:
Germany ranks first European country with the lowest number of working hours in 2024, with employees working only 1343 hours annually per person, that equals to 204 8-hour workdays per year, according to OECD figures compiled by Visual Capitalist.
Employees in Portugal and Slovakia work only 1631 hours annually per person, that equals to 204 8-hour workdays per year.
On the other hand, Greece is the European country with the highest number of working hours in 2024, since employees work 1,897 hours annually per person, that equals to 237 8-hour workdays per year. Working conditions in Greece are worsening since the country recently announced that employers are allowed to introduce a six-day work week.
In the US employees work 1,799 hours annually per person. This equals 225 8-hour workdays per year. The U.S. is the only advanced economy in the world that does not guarantee paid holiday for workers. On the other hand, employees who work in the EU are entitled to at least four weeks’ paid holiday per year.
Here is the complete list ranking European countries by working hours:
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