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  • Le plus important AAE du Portugal signé dans le secteur des énergies renouvelables

    Actualités Portugal – Le plus important Accord d’Achat d’Électricité (AAE) du Portugal vient d’être signé dans le secteur des énergies renouvelables avec NextEnergy Capital et Statkraft. NextEnergy Capital, un spécialiste mondial de l’énergie solaire basé au Royaume-Uni, et Statkraft, le plus grand producteur d’énergie renouvelable en Europe qui est une société publique appartenant à la Norvège, viennent de signer un AAE au Portugal. NextEnergy Capital gère le fonds solaire international NextPower III ESG, qui possède trois centrales solaires en construction au Portugal. Les centrales devraient produire 341GWh par an, soit l’équivalent d’environ 98,000 foyers. En vertu de cette entente, Statkraft achètera la production d’électricité de ces trois centrales photovoltaïques. Ce nouvel investissement dans le secteur des énergies renouvelables du Portugal fournira aux grands consommateurs industriels une énergie propre et abordable. #actualitésportugal #accordsachatelectricitéportugal #actualitésénergiesrenouvelablesportugal #NextEnergyCapital #Statkraft #centralesphotovoltaïquesportugal #portugalbusinessnews

  • The largest PPA deal in the history of Portugal signed in the renewable energy sector

    Portugal news – The largest PPA deal in the history of Portugal was just signed in the renewable energy sector with NextEnergy Capital and Statkraft. NextEnergy Capital, a global solar specialist based in the UK, and Statkraft, that is Europe’s largest renewable energy producer and is a public company owned by Norway, just signed a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) in Portugal. NextEnergy Capital manages international solar fund NextPower III ESG, that owns three solar plants now being built in Portugal. The plants are expected to produce 341GWh yearly, the equivalent to powering around 98,000 homes. Under this agreement, Statkraft will acquire the electricity production from these three photovoltaic plants. This new investment in Portugal’s renewable energy sector will supply large industrial consumers with clean and affordable energy. #renewableenergynewsportugal #NextEnergyCapital #Statkraft #solarplantsportugal #investmentnewsportugal #portugalnews #portugalbusinessnews

  • Les énergies renouvelables du Portugal fournissent 72 % de la consommation

    Actualités Portugal – Les énergies renouvelables du Portugal ont fourni 72 % de la consommation au premier trimestre de 2023. L’énergie renouvelable fournie au cours de cette période a été distribuée avec 34 % d’énergie hydroélectrique, 27 % d’énergie éolienne, 6 % de biomasse et 5 % d’énergie photovoltaïque. Le gaz naturel a fourni 19 % de la consommation, les 9 % restants étant le solde des importateurs. 89% de la distribution de GNL provenait du port de Sines, tandis que les 11% restants provenaient de l’interconnexion avec l’Espagne. Il est à noter que la consommation de gaz au Portugal a baissé de 39% dans le segment de la production électrique, et le segment conventionnel a enregistré la plus faible consommation depuis 2009. En mars, la production photovoltaïque du Portugal a atteint un sommet et a dépassé les 1500 MW enregistrés au cours de la période correspondante de l’année dernière par environ 400 MW, selon le distributeur portugais REN. #énergierenouvelableportugal #REN #actualitésportugal #portugalbusinessnews

  • Portugal’s renewable energy supplies 72% of consumption

    Portugal news – Portugal’s renewable energy supplied 72% of consumption for the first quarter of 2023. Renewable energy supplied during that period was distributed with 34% from hydroelectric power, 27% from wind power, 6% from biomass and 5% from photovoltaic energy. Natural gas supplied 19% of consumption, with the remaining 9% being the importer balance. 89% of GNL distribution was from the port of Sines, while the remaining 11% was from the interconnection with Spain. It is to be noted that gas consumption in Portugal fell by 39% in the electric power production segment, and the conventional segment registered the lowest consumption since 2009. In March, Portugal’s photovoltaic production peaked and exceeded the 1500 MW registered in the corresponding period last year by around 400 MW, according to Portuguese distributor REN. #renewableenergyconsumptionportugal #renewableenergydistributionportugal #REN #renewableenergynewsportugal #portugalnews #portugalbusinessnews

  • Portugal proposes that China’s Maritime Silk Road should reach the port of Sines

    Portugal’s Ambassador to China, Paulo Jorge Nascimento, stated that China’s Maritime Silk Road should reach Portugal through the port of Sines. Portugal’s Ambassador added that Portugal is negotiating with China for the entry of new products and that Portuguese companies should use this opportunity to establish a presence in China by targeting specific cities or regions, instead of China as a whole. Portugal’s Ambassador to China explained Portugal’s new trade policy in an interview to TDM (Teledifusão de Macau SA). China’s Maritime Silk Road will link the Chinese coast to trade partners through the Strait of Malacca via Sri Lanka, then to East Africa and from there through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean. In the Mediterranean, the maritime route will link Haifa in Israel, to Istanbul, Athens, and Trieste in Italy. With this new development, China’s Maritime Silk Road will extend to Portugal through the port of Sines. #chinamaritimesilkroadtoportugal #silkroadsines #portugalchinatrade #tradenewsportugal #portugalnews #portugalbusinessnews

  • Portugal invests EUR 127 M in Cable Landing Stations & a Green Data Center

    Portugal is investing EUR 127 million in Cable Landing Stations and a mega Green Data Center for global telecommunications companies. The investment by START (Sines TransAtlantic Renewable & Technology campus) will be to develop 23 hectares in Portugal’s Sines port for an electric substation as well as 3 hectares for submarine Cable Landing Stations. The substation will be to supply a mega Green Data Center with a capacity of 495 MW, that is an essential component of the Energia Sul renewable energy community. It will be developed by AICEP Global Parques and the Sines Tech innovation and data center hub. The additional Cable Landing Stations (CLS) will be close to the existing stations and to the EllaLink cable that links Europe to South America. The new investment will increase four-fold the number of CLS in Portugal and Sines port will thus evolve to a Data Port. These developments will not only ensure Portugal’s energy and digital transition but will also contribute to a more secure and sustainable Europe. #greendatacenterportugal #cablelandingstationsportugal #START #EnergiaSul #submarineclsportugal #AICEPGlobalParques #SinesTechinnovationanddatacenterhub #dataportportugal #energytransitionportugal #digitaltransitionportugal #portugalnews #portugalbusinessnews

  • Investment of EUR 3 B in Portugal’s Lisbon-Porto high-speed rail line

    An investment of EUR 3 billion is expected for phase 1 of Portugal’s Lisbon-Porto high-speed rail line. The total investment for the Porto-Lisbon high-speed rail line will reach EUR 11 billion, as it will be developed in three phases, with completion expected to be in 2030. A consortium of Spanish companies, namely Sacyr, FCC, Ferrovial and ACS is taking the lead and partnering with Portuguese firms DST Domingos da Silva Teixeira and ACA Engenharia & Construção to bid for the project, according to elEconomista. Meanwhile, other consortiums are also being formed to bid for what is deemed to be Portugal’s largest infrastructure project in 2023, namely OHLA, Comsa and Acciona. The largest construction company in Portugal, Mota-Engil, in which Chinese giant China Communications Construction Company has 32.4% shares, will also bid for the project through a consortium formed with Portuguese companies Teixeira Duarte, Casais, Conduril, Gabriel Couto and Alves Ribeiro. The consortiums will bid for the first phase of the project, that is the line between Porto and Aveiro and the section between Aveiro and Soure, the two contracts representing an investment of nearly EUR 3 billion, according to elEconomista. The Portuguese Government has already obtained EUR 1 billion from EU funds for financing the project. In addition to the Porto-Lisbon high-speed rail line, Portugal intends to connect Porto to Vigo in Spain between 2026 and 2030, so the journey will be possible in 50 minutes. The Portuguese line will thus connect with Spain’s AVE high-speed rail network. #infrastructureinvestmentsportugal #highspeedrailportugal #Sacyr #FCC #Ferrovial #ACS #DSTDomingosdaSilvaTeixeira #ACAEngenhariaConstrução #OHLA #Comsa #Acciona #MotaEngil #TeixeiraDuarte #Casais #Conduril #GabrielCouto #AlvesRibeiro #LisbonPortohighspeedrail #portugalnews #portugalbusinessnews

  • Portuguese Group Sonae co-leads investment of USD 20 M in US tech company Picnic

    Portuguese Group Sonae co-leads an investment of USD 20 M in US tech company Picnic through its investment firm Bright Pixel Capital. Portuguese multinational Sonae, that is listed on the Euronext PSI-20 in Lisbon, is investing in US company Picnic, that is a leading automated platform for the prevention of social engineering cyberattacks. Through Bright Pixel Capital, Sonae is leading the extension of the Series A funding round jointly with Energy Impact Partners. Picnic is the leading platform for the prevention of social engineering cyberattacks through its Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) platform. Social engineering remains the top technique used by hackers for cybersecurity breaches that result in successful ransomware attacks and sabotage globally. Picnic offers a cybersecurity solution that proactively disrupts attacker reconnaissance. Since hackers scan data to look for human targets, Picnic automatically analyzes and flags public data for risks that security teams can then prioritize to prevent attacks. #Sonae #Picnic #BrightPixelCapital #techinvestmentsportugal #EnergyImpactPartners #socialengineeringcyberattacksplatform #technewsportugal #digitalinvestmentsportugal #portugalnews #portugalbusinessnews

  • Sales of Elon Musk’s Tesla cars skyrocket in Portugal

    Sales of Elon Musk’s Tesla cars skyrocket in Portugal, growing by 878% for the cumulated months of January and February 2023. Elon Musk’s Tesla is the great winner in electric car sales in Portugal where sales of EVs are soaring, according to SIC Notícias. For the first two months of 2023, sales of EVs in Portugal increased by 140% with 4,850 electric vehicles. With more car brands and models in the EV market segment, as well as lower prices, sales are soaring. More and more Portuguese car buyers are choosing EVs since they are more cost-effective and the Tesla brand is the great winner. #ElonMusk #Tesla #teslasalesportugal #saleselectricvehiclesportugal #EVsportugal #portugalnews #portugalbusinessnews

  • Airbus invests in a Global Business Services centre in Portugal

    Airbus is investing in a Global Business Services centre in Portugal. The new Lisbon office has partnered with Randstad to employ 900 people by the end of 2023, with the mission to develop and deliver new aircraft architecture and design. Airbus global operations in Portugal will provide support for its commercial aircraft as well as Defence & Space divisions. It is to be noted that Airbus also just opened a satellite office in Coimbra, in central Portugal; as well as Airbus Atlantic, its industrial unit, in Porto in September 2022. Airbus in Portugal is also developing the aerospace sector, with a focus on innovation and technology as well as the creation of highly skilled jobs. #Airbus #AirbusGlobalBusinessServicesPortugal #AirbusPortugal #Randstad #AirbusAtlantic #aerospacePortugal #investmentnewsportugal #portugalnews #portugalbusinessnews

  • Portuguese company NewCo buys ALD Portugal & LeasePlan Luxembourg

    Portuguese company NewCo, that is a Joint Venture between Stellantis, a leading automaker and mobility provider, and Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance, is buying ALD Portugal and LeasePlan Luxembourg. ALD Automotive, that belongs to Société Générale, is listed on Euronext Paris and provides vehicle leasing and fleet management services, while LeasePlan Luxembourg provides vehicle leasing solutions. NewCo is a leading long-term vehicle leasing provider in Europe. With these new investments, NewCo will increase its fleet to one million vehicles by 2026. #NewCo #Stellantis #CréditAgricoleConsumerFinance #ALDPortugal #LeasePlanLuxembourg #SociétéGénérale #vehicleleasingportugal #investmentnewsportugal #portugalnews #portugalbusinessnews

  • Portuguese company BA Glass invests EUR 1 B in Portugal and Romania

    Portuguese company BA Glass will invest EUR 1 billion in its glass bottle factories in Portugal, out of which EUR 150 million will be invested in its factories in Romania. According to Portugal’s trade and investment body, AICEP, BA Glass, that is Portugal’s largest manufacturer of glass bottles, will increase its investments in Romania. The Romanian investments will be to build a new oven for glass manufacturing as well as a new warehouse of 25,000 sq. meters. It is to be noted that BA Glass is the only manufacturer of glass packaging in Romania and that the new investments will double their production capacity. #BAGlass #glassbottlemanufacturerportugal #investmentsportugal #portugalnews #portugalbusinessnews

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